Taxes on Real Estate Investment Property in USA for Foreign Nationals

Buying Real Estate
In this video we discuss the taxes on real estate investment property in the USA if you are a foreign national. Many foreigners invest in real estate in the United Stated and they want to know how much in taxes are they going to pay. In this video we discuss the tax differences between investing in real estate as an american citizen or as a foreign national. We are also going to discuss if you should buy real estate under your name or under an LLC. We will show you an example of how much taxes will a foreign national pay from its rental property income.

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This video is intended for education purposes and should not be taken as legal, financial or tax advice. You should consult with a professional about your unique situation before acting on anything discussed in these videos. Freedomtax Accounting and Multiservices Inc., Freedom Insurance Financial Inc., Freedom Realty Source Inc., and Freedom Immigration International Inc. are providing educational content to help small business owners and individuals become more aware of certain issues and topics, but we cannot give blanket advice to a broad audience. Freedomtax Accounting and Multiservices Inc., Freedom Insurance Financial Inc., Freedom Realty Source Inc., and Freedom Immigration International Inc. or its members cannot be held liable for any use or misuse of this content.

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