#1 LIE Why Aren’t Home Prices Dropping? Housing Market 2022

Selling Real Estate
Why hasn’t the real estate market crashed? When will home prices go down? Why aren’t the house prices falling? When are home prices supposed to fall? We keep hearing about the huge foreclosure wave, and inflation making everything cost more, and affordable housing is no longer affordable.

So why aren’t home prices dropping if so many people are in trouble? If you sitting on the sidelines waiting for house prices to drop so you can buy a home, or you want to invest in real estate, This is the video for you! For years you have seen all the alarming videos and news with warnings to prepare now because everything is collapsing with a total meltdown.

In this video, I will explain why prices continue to increase and how you can take advantage of the current housing market. We will also deep dive into why we are not seeing a decline in home prices for the current real estate market in 2022 and show you the data on why we are not seeing the housing market crash in 2022. The housing market is going to change in 2022, not because of a housing market bubble or a foreclosure wave. Inflation surged to a 40-year record high and this will affect the US Housing Market more than anything else.


Brought to you by:
Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts
604 N 27th Ave
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Disclaimer: All information given in my videos is meant to be educational. This video is not intended to replace your own research, nor to provide legal, investment or financial advice of any kind. For legal advice consult a lawyer.

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