The Real Reason China Is Buying U.S. Real Estate | Ep. 181

Buying Real Estate
Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan amidst China’s threats to shoot down her plane, but maybe that wasn’t ever their real plan. Is their saber-rattling part of a bigger ploy? Looking past Pelosi’s classic political trick to distract from the domestic disasters, Liz digs into the root issue of what China actually wants from the United States and how they are already waging war on our nation. And perhaps most importantly, why haven’t we put a stop to this? This is The Liz Wheeler Show.

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The Liz Wheeler Show is a personal, researched, and unapologetic take on how we think about our culture—or what’s left of it. This courageous new show shines a floodlight on the shadows cast by the mainstream media, illuminating what they don’t want you to see and elucidating their murky motives along the way.

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