5 Must-Have Investments When Inflation is High (Under 15 Minutes!)

Investment Strategies
Here are five investments you need to consider when inflation is high. There are steps you can be taking right now to invest in your future security. A great way to start this process is by watching this video and learning how exactly you can be doing that.


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As time marches forward, small bumps like inflation are a part of life’s journey every now and then.
Well for those of us living in the present time, inflation has been knocking us to the ground one too many times.

However, the changes we are facing now do not have to be a roadblock to our success.

From real estate to option trading, we have the insight to give you a better understanding of which areas you should be putting stock in. These fields will carry you through these trying times of economic uncertainty.

Now that we have arrived at the end, hopefully, you were able to take something away from our words and will be better prepared for the road ahead. Inflation is not something to take lightly, so keep our words in mind moving forward.

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Furthermore, we check our comments section regularly. If you have any questions or comments you would like to share, we welcome them (as long as they are respectful).

We would like to thank our community members for being such great additions to the channel and remember to invest wisely.

0:00 – Intro
0:55 – #1 Invest in Real Estate
1:36 – #2 Invest in Recession Proof Companies
3:16 – Investing in dividend paying stocks
7:16 – #3 Investing in treasury inflation protected securities
8:30 – #4 Investing in gold
9:45 – #5 Option Trading
11:37 – Summary

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Toby Mathis, Esq. is the best-selling author of Infinity Investing: How the Rich Get Richer And How You Can Do The Same. Toby is a tax attorney and founded Anderson Business Advisors, one of the most successful law, tax, and estate planning companies in the United States.
The information provided in this video should not be construed or relied on as legal advice for any specific fact or circumstance. Its content was prepared by Anderson Business Advisors with its main office at 3225 McLeod Drive Suite 100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89121. This video is designed for entertainment and information purposes only. Viewing this video does not create an attorney-client relationship with Anderson Business Advisors or any of its lawyers. You should not act or rely on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional legal advice.

#Investing #Inflation #Stockstobuy

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