Real Estate Nerds 49: Passive Investing Strategy with Jeremy Roll

Investment Strategies

Jeremy Roll began investing in real estate in 2002, shortly after the 2001 dotcom crash inspired him to pull funds out of the stock and bond markets. In the following years, he developed both the strategy and mindset for long-term success in cashflow investing. As he explained to our host and asset protection attorney Scott Smith, “Cashflow investing is the opposite of a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes a long-term view.”Jeremy’s conservative, risk-averse strategy seems to fare well in all climates. He is well aware of the fact that real estate is cyclical, and in fact, told us that he is looking forward to a market downturn. To find out why and learn much, much more about Jeremy’s real estate investing strategy and two of his all-time Best Deals, tune in to Episode 49 of The Real Estate Nerds Podcast. Thanks for joining us!

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