Hidden house in the woods filled with creepy dolls and toys discovered 

Real Estate

Talk about a real-life doll house.

An abandoned and hidden home has been discovered — and it was filled with hundreds of creepy dolls and children’s toys.

Professional urban explorer, Dave, who runs Freaktography.com, had to travel to the middle of nowhere to find the property in Ontario, Canada.

Stuffed animals were on the floor of every room, with many of the animals ripped to shreds. Meanwhile, dolls were scattered across the front yard.

“This abandoned house is probably one of the strangest and most remote locations for a random house I’ve ever seen!” Dave said.

“Given the growth of the trees and the condition of the old driveway, it would seem like it has been decades since anyone has lived in this house, however, some of the items appear a bit more modern, but that’s when I realized the ’90s was 30 years ago and things made a bit more sense.”

Baby dolls found sitting in the front of the home.
Baby dolls found sitting in the front of the home.
Jam Press/@freaktography

A vintage television set in the backyard.
A vintage television set in the backyard.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

The paint has been peeled off over time.
The paint has been peeled off over time.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

A baby doll inside the home.
A baby doll inside the home.
Jam Press/@freaktography

Dave estimated that many of the toys to be from the ’90s, with others seeing the photos suggesting they are also “vintage 1980s.”

He said the journey getting to the home was difficult, as the path was “extremely hilly with several large trees blocking the way.”

Dave noted that the overgrown trees helps keep intruders outs.

The home is in a great stay of decay and has been open to the natural elements for years. Peeling paint, vegetation growth, and rust on all of the toys and furniture suggest the property has been abandoned for quite some time.

“It seemed in every room I entered that I was being watched by the eyes of creepy dolls and stuffed animals,” Dave added.

A deteriorated hallway
A deteriorated hallway.
Jam Press/@freaktography

Children's toys are seen throughout the property.
Children’s toys are seen throughout the property.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

A sleeping doll.
A sleeping doll.
Jam Press/@freaktography

More dolls and toys.
More dolls and stuffed animals.
Jam Press/@freaktography

A room with peeling wallpaper and stuff everywhere
The house is in a state of disrepair.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Footage shows an old staircase with a doll sitting at the bottom, followed by other toys scattered across all the steps.

Items such as Disney figurines, religious objects, books and portraits are seen throughout the isolated property.

Creepy hypodermic syringes still in their packages are also seen.

With 83,500 YouTube subscribers, many viewers found the house haunting and somber.

A portrait hangs above the mantle.
A portrait hangs above the mantle.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Vintage tea cups are seen perfectly situated on a table.
Vintage tea cups are seen perfectly situated on a table.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Syringes are seen.
A package of hypodermic syringes.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Lots of junk and children's toys left behind.
Lots of junk and children’s toys left behind.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

An American flag sits in between rooms.
An American flag sits in between rooms.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

“Creepy! The doll on the left in the opening sequence looks like Baby Shivers. On the right appear to be cabbage patches,” one viewer commented.

“All vintage 1980s from the looks of it,” another said.

“Great location for a horror movie!” someone else wrote.

Giant panda bears are seen weirdly placed on the chairs.
Giant panda bears are seen weirdly placed on the chairs.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

The home contains stained-glass windows.
The home contains stained-glass windows.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

A formal den.
A formal living room.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

The living room.
The living room.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Damaged furniture is seen in the basement.
Damaged furniture is seen in the basement.
Jam Press Vid/@freaktography

Another added: “What a weird place…all those toys but not much of adult trinkets and stuff like that. Those 2 babies outside on the left look so real.” 

“Sketchy house here Dave. So many dolls. Couple looked like Barbie dolls. Spotted a couple of Cabbage patch dolls too,” said one user called Claire.

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