Buying Real Estate
What’s your package, if I may ask? 🫰

Congratulations, if it is more than 16 LAKHS ✨

A recent report by Financial Express says that to be in the top 1%, you need to have a salary upwards of 16 lacs. 💰

With that kind of salary/income, you may want to do some “real” real estate investment other than just reits.

But, rental yields for residential properties are terrible 😔 in most parts of our country. So what to do to earn higher rental yields?

Enter ➡️ Fractional Investment.

They can return 7-8%. Wanna know more? Read on 👇🏻

If you have more than 25 lacs stacked up for real estate allocation in your portfolio, then you can go for fractional investment in high-end commercial real estate properties. (CREs)

You can get a high monthly rental through premium CRE projects. Unlike REITs, investors have full control over choice of properties. Returns are volatile as of now. Also, these investments are not as liquid as REITs. But the fractional investment market is witnessing high growth in India as offices open up. 🏢🗄️

Considering they have a high potential of value appreciation, they are estimated to provide an IRR of around 12-15%.

If not now, I hope eventually we’ll reach a phase where we’d afford to have better options than REITs 😊 Thank me at that time!
#financewithsharan #renting #reit #realestateinvesting #reits #realestateinvestor #realestateagents #investingforbeginners #financialeducation

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