Man converts police riot van into a tiny home on wheels for $14,000

Real Estate

This guy’s tiny home is, well, quite the riot.

Escaping an ordinary life, a vagabond couple living the van life transformed a former police riot van into their own tiny home, The Sun reports.

“This is our tiny home on wheels,” the man who runs the @livinginkevlar TikTok account says in a video clip. “We call him Kevlar — he’s a converted police riot van.”

The TikTokker brought viewers inside the unusual residence, which is also home to his partner and their pet husky, which has carried them thousands of miles in their travels. The video shows them at “home” on a lazy day, with the van’s windows looking out to lush, waterfront surroundings. It seems to be quite far from its seemingly chaotic says in professional use.

One fan of the van asked how much it cost the couple to make this vehicle into their home. In US currency, it all cost about $14,000, with the bulk of the money going toward buying the van — about $10,000 for that — and the rest toward the conversion itself.

The space is pretty roomy, thanks to its past life.
The space is pretty roomy, thanks to its past life.

The traveler, along with his partner, share the space with their dog.
The traveler, along with his partner, share the space with their dog.

A view of the work in progress.
A view of the work in progress.

An exterior of the van home.
An exterior of the van home.

Inside the van home.
Inside the van home.

TikTok users love how it's all taken shape.
TikTok users love how it’s all taken shape.

“That’s including all the stuff bought new — solar, heater, fridge/freezer … etc.,” he says.

The clip additionally shows space for a window-front bed, a small sectional sofa right on the other side of it and even shelving.

One follower says, “Now to me that’s a deal. Absolutely love it.”

The best thing, though, is the perk of having a special place.

“And no matter where we go, we always have our home,” he says.

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