Video of NYC man gleefully showing luxury apartment won through housing lottery goes viral: ‘This is real nice!’

Real Estate

A New York City man won a luxurious apartment through the Big Apple’s housing lottery and his gleeful video showing off the perks that come with it has gone viral.

The unidentified man, who goes by McMurdaaaa on his social media pages, excitedly showed off his new Brooklyn digs on TikTok.

“Good morning, y’all! I got picked for the housing lottery, come see this apartment with me,” he said in the video that’s been viewed more than 1.4 million times.

After grabbing himself a big cup of iced coffee, he heads over to the apartment and shows off the luxury building.

The lobby area has seating and a receptionist desk, while his own apartment has a large closet — a commodity on the bucket list of every New Yorker — plus a sparkling new bathroom with marbled walls and a large mirror and an expansive kitchen with plenty of shelving and brand-new appliances.

A New York City man won a luxurious Brooklyn apartment through the Big Apple’s housing lottery and his gleeful video showing off the perks that come with it has gone viral.
The unidentified man, who goes by McMurdaaaa on his social media pages, excitedly showed off his new Brooklyn digs on TikTok.

If the slick new unit wasn’t enough, the Bronx musician will get to enjoy a rooftop lounge — complete with deck chairs, grills, plenty of indoor and outdoor entertainment space and endless city views.

“This is real nice, this is real nice,” he says as he peruses his new home.

In addition, the unidentified building has a community game room with a pool table, tables and chairs and a fridge.

The lobby area has seating and a receptionist desk, while his own apartment has a large closet plus a sparkling new bathroom with marbled walls.
The apartment also has a large mirror and an expansive kitchen with plenty of shelving and brand-new appliances.

Also, another rarity in New York that the supposed Amazon worker receives at his new place is a parking garage, shared laundry facilities and a gym.

His only complaint?

“Why they building these apartments so small?” he wrote in the caption.

If the slick new unit wasn’t enough, the Bronx musician will get to enjoy a rooftop lounge — complete with deck chairs, grills, plenty of indoor and outdoor entertainment space and endless city views.
Apartment lotteries are available in all five city boroughs and offer affordable housing at prices one-third or less than the winner’s income, according to NYC Housing Connect.

Apartment lotteries are available in all five city boroughs and offer affordable housing at prices one-third or less than the winner’s income, according to NYC Housing Connect.

To qualify, a person must meet income and size requirements for the unit, which varies by building.

A winner must also be prepared to provide a credit check or provide rental history and be able to put down the first month’s rent and a security deposit.

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