A new spin on finding off market Real Estate

Investment Strategies
A new spin on finding off market Real Estate

Many of us have been going off market to find great deals but just when I thought I had all the options BOOM there’s a new spin on this strategy. What are some effective strategies in looking for these properties off the market? This different take is getting a much bigger response rate.

In this clip from The A Game Podcast, our guest Matt Porcaro, real estate investor and founder of The 203k Way, discusses TWO strategies they use to find and locate off market properties that make the most bucks!

Please listen and subscribe and check the show notes out to connect with all things Matt Porcaro and the 203k Way!

Looking for your FIRST or NEXT real estate deal? DM us “Real Estate” or text the same words to 516.540.5733 to discuss options to work together today.

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