NEW Report! Pending home sales (i.e. signed contracts between a homebuyer and seller) dipped to the lowest levels since June 2010 (excluding April 2020 when we had stay at home orders across much of the nation). Also, on a year over year basis, pendings dipped by 37% in October. This is according to a new
Kim Kardashian is being accused of posting photos of her home to distract from the Balenciaga controversy. Kardashian denounced the Balenciaga advertising campaign — which depicted children alongside sexual bondage-style attire and a child pornography court ruling — saying she was “disgusted and outraged.” But she also revealed that she would not cut ties with
Airbnb is partnering with several major landlords and management companies to list designated apartment buildings where renters are allowed to offer short-term sublets on the site. The company said Wednesday that a new page on its website will list so-called Airbnb-friendly buildings, which will give tenants the option to host their apartments just as homeowners
The CDC released data from its V-safe program showing how many people reported injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine. It did so in response to two lawsuits by ICAN or the Informed Consent Action Network. The data shows that 7.7% of V-safe users had a “health event” post vaccination that required medical attention including emergency room
Want to learn more about Multifamily Investing? Join our Facebook group ‘Real Estate Raw’ for live weekly education sessions and resources: For more resources on Multifamily Investing, visit: Sign-up for my complimentary training: To learn the fundamentals of Multifamily Investing and the most effective investing strategies, begin with ‘Creative Cash’ –
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Watch more LAST TO LEAVE THE BEDROOM SABRE PASSED OUT LAST TO LEAVE LOUNGE WHO MAKES BEST TIE DYE Our Latest challenges here #familyvlog #challenge #norrisnuts In this video we find out how much the Norris Nuts can purchase at the shopping mall until they are found by Mama Norris.
Household debt soars at fastest pace in 15 years as Inflation boosts U.S. household spending. Home sales have dropped for nine straight months, driven by surging mortgage rates while investors’ home purchases drop 30% as Fed officials see smaller rate hikes coming ‘soon,’ minutes show. At the same time, Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos urges consumers
A For Sale sign appears in front of a house on Oak Street in Patchogue, New York, on May 17, 2022. Steve Pfost | Newsday | Getty Images Mortgage rates soared over 7% just a month ago, but since then they have fallen more than half a percentage point. Still, mortgage loan application volume decreased
It took two decades, but the ribbon has at last been cut at a Brooklyn apartment complex that marked its long-in-the-making grand opening on Sunday. The Culver El Affordable Housing Development had been in the works for 20 years, but a succession of issues kept the Borough Park development in limbo until this week. “It
Medium-term rentals have seen growth like almost no other type of real estate. In the past, if you wanted high cash flow, you’d be hit with the headache of running a short-term or vacation rental. So, most investors who wanted to take the passive investing route stuck to regular, long-term rental properties. But, with interest
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Act 2: “I was jealous,” Kathy Rowe told ABC News’ “20/20” of harassing Jerry Rice and Janice Ruhter.