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The Tampa-area housing market is expected to remain red-hot this year. Zillow forecasts the Tampa Bay region to be the number-one hottest housing market in 2022. Zillow listed Jacksonville as number two and Orlando as number nine on its hot housing market list. MORE: https://www.fox13news.com/news/zillow-tampa-to-have-hottest-housing-market-in-country-this-year FOX 13 Tampa Bay brings you the important videos like
The Covid pandemic caused a surge in housing costs and a rise in unemployment, leaving nearly 600,000 Americans unhoused in 2020. “What people don’t typically realize when they walk past a person who’s homeless is that this person is costing taxpayers a lot of money,” said Sam Tsemberis, chief executive officer at Pathways Housing First
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Diversification is a generally accepted method of managing risk. You likely would not invest all of your savings in a single stock, and the same principal is true of real estate investing. However, diversification in real estate is difficult to achieve. Individuals are often limited to their home markets and constrained by available funds to